Hello weirdo!

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"No rest for the wicked."

Misi Gunung

List of mountains (DONE)
Trans Full C-Curve


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Saturday, November 24, 2018, 5:52 PM
Trans Java Misadventure: Week 2.2

Week 2.2: Of Elly Kasim and Coffee Hunting

My activities in Jakarta consisted of sightseeing, coffee hunting and watching my new friend (Oki Satrial) rehearsing at Elly Kasim's (remember 'Ayam Den Lapeh'? Yep, it's hers.) concert. He's Fajar's high school mate who happens to be a traditional Minang singer. He was in Jakarta for the concert, all the way from Bukit Tinggi. So, he gave us backstage pass for both rehearsal and the concert. Thank you Oki! As a traditional music enthusiast, for me this a rizq. Alhamdulillah. The concert was held at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), the Jakarta's arts and cultural center (more or less like Istana Budaya in Malaysia).

During the day, while Fajar was working hard and Oki was busy training for the concert, I took some time for myself and went for coffee hunting. I only managed to go to two coffee shops that were quite famous in Jakarta; Toko Tuku Kopi and Filosofi Kopi.

Toko Tuku Kopi (recommended by Selep)
This one was quite famous for its cheap coffee. I decided to go to their small shop at Pasar Santa, which happened to be the nearest. The moment I arrived, I saw so many Ojek drivers buying coffee for their customers (proved how popular their coffee is). Being a noob about coffee I am, I took the safest move and ordered Es Kopi Susu Tetangga for starting. It tasted a bit different than any other kopi susu as they put gula kabong (that's the secret!). Not bad though. I enjoyed my time drinking coffee while talking to the Ojek drivers who were waiting for their orders.

Filosofi Kopi (recommended by Google)
Then, I went to the well-known coffee shop in Java, the Filosofi Kopi. This coffee shop was created for a movie (the same name as the coffee shop). Soon after the movie was released, it became famous, like super famous, especially among hipsters and all the instagrammers. I went straight to the counter and get myself ice green tea latte (had enough of caffein) and a delicious ice-cream waffle, because I was starving.

Not to mention, I checked-in to a new place, Malaysian Embassy hostel after spending few nights at Capsule Hotel. The price is cheaper (especially if you are a student. Just show your matric card and you are good to go!). Thanks Selep for the recommendation!

And it has pretty, nice and peaceful neighborhood too.

Pendaki Indonesia (PI) Tangerang

It was an impromptu plan. I was given Eka's (member of Pendaki Indonesia wilayah Tangerang) number by Amir (hiking friend). With all my guts, I contacted him right away. Introducing myself as Amir's friend and asking for the nearest hiking trip, if there's any (thought of joining them). He replied happily and invited me to their kopdar (Indo short form for 'Kopi Darat', which means a meet up held at a place that's agreed by all team members, like a gathering gitu). Again, Izza with her without-second-thought-decision just accepted the invitation and went to Tangerang right away. I took the earliest bus and reached Tangerang at night. Eka picked me up at the bus station with his motorcycles. Both of us went to Sonny's house for dinner and to the meeting point afterwards. Everything happened so fast I didn't have time to process it. What I know is, at the end of the day, I had new input on Indonesia hiking scene, met and made new friends. Thanks Eka and the rest of Pendaki Indonesia Tangering, sampai ketemu di lain rencana.

Kota Tua Jakarta

I spent the last day in Jakarta ngopi with Fajar and visiting Kota Tua Jakarta (also known as Oud Batavia, Dutch words for 'Old Batavia'). It was the former Jakarta city. As usual, it was crowded with human, cars and motorcycles. This is where many museums located at, such as Jakarta History Museum, Fine Art and Ceramic museum, Bank Mandiri museum as well as Wayang Museum, to name a few. I couldn't get myself to Wayang Museum as it was already close by the time I arrived, I wasn't aware of the operation hour. Nevermine then, I believe there is always next time :)

A happy fan girl!

Got myself a train ticket to Cirebon, where my adik staying at. Another impromptu plan coming ahead!

I'm coming, Cirebon!

To be continued....


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2:33 AM
Trans Java Misadventure : Week 2.1

Week 2.1 : The city of kids jaman now. 

Berjalan seorang di pagi hari,
Langit cerah matahari terik,
Jangan diratap apa yang pergi,
Kelak diganti yang lebih baik.


I checked-in at Capsule Hotel Jakarta, Jalan Batavia as soon as I reached Jakarta. I need rest, a proper one. And I need a shower too, to clear off my mind from all of the disappointments. This hotel happened to be one of the most popular among backpackers. I didn't know that. Hahaha. The staffs were all kind and helpful. The bed was fluffy and nice, with the cozy ambient. No wonder it's famous (I would recommend this one to my friends).

I unpacked my bag and put in underneath the bed, that's where all the lockers located at. Took a shower, binged on junk food and lied down. This going to be my place to sleep for several days. I might as well enjoy it to the fullest.

I woke up the next morning feeling all fresh. I had a good sleep, I rested well and I'm ready for new adventure! Since it was impromptu, I had no plan. The itinerary I did back then, the 21 pages of it was useless for now. Hahaha. But I still want to hike, I want to go to the mountains, any mountains will do. Before coming here, I already contacted the admin of Wanita Gunung (an Indonesian community made specially for female outdoor enthusiasts) informing them that I'm going to Indonesia for a month and I would like to meet them, if there's rizq.
Jangan lupa sarapan, biar kuat menghadapi kenyataan.

Efek Rumah Kaca; Tiba-tiba Suddenly Konser Again

Actually, there was another reason why I wanted to go back to Jakarta, aside from wanting to start over the journey. It was because of this.
Sorry, but a fan girl needs to do what she needs to do.

Thank you so much Selep for telling me about the concert when I felt hopeless the most. This cheered me up, gave me hope, made me breath again (okay, enough). I went to Kuningan Mall in the evening to queue for the ticket. My hunch was right, to be at the counter as early as possible. The moment I came, there's already a long queue, as expected from ERK (Efek Rumah Kaca). I managed to get myself two tickets and planning to give the other one to Fajar. Besides, concert will be more fun if you go with friends. So, I told him to cancel all of his plans (hahaha he did not have any anyway) and come accompany me to the concert. As a good friend he is, he came right away after work. The concert started at 8.30PM-ish. It was so crowded with fans, but thank God everyone was behave and chill. I managed to buy myself a band shirt! Yeay! I enjoyed the night, the concert, everything. At that moment, it made forget all those unhappy experiences for awhile.
Makan, dari mikirin masa lalu, ga bisa buat kita kenyang.
Despite long queue that your fan girl needs to go through...
She made it nevertheless *flip shawl*

Wanita Gunung

To make the night more interesting, I coincidentally met Wanita Gunung team at the concert. They were there too, and trust me, they were all die hard fans (except for Kak Rika who was still blur about ERK which she thought Payung Teduh at first. Until someone explained it to her who's those people on the stage are. Quite funny this lady. Hihi). If didn't upload any pictures related to the concert on my Instagram, I guess we would have never met. It was nice talking to them. And they even invited me to join their upcoming hiking trip to Argopuro once they knew about my failed mission. I could not contain my happiness because... well, it's Argopuro guys! One of the prettiest trails in Java land. Without second thought, I accepted their invitation right away and agreed to meet them in another 2 weeks at Malang. They were so nice and kind, they even made sure that I go back to my hotel safely. May Allah bless you people for your never-ending kindness.
As a fan girl, I felt bless. Can sleep happily now.

To be continued....


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Tuesday, November 6, 2018, 11:48 PM
Trans Java Misadventure : Week 1.4

Week 1.4 : Mission abort! I repeat, mission abort!

"Selalu persiapkan diri untuk
kemungkinan terburuk. Karena, 
rencana-rencana indah akan selalu
kalah dengan apa yang Tuhan rasa
yang terbaik."  — fiersa besari

Garut - Jakarta

I woke up with no motivation at all. Sad, mad, regret, ashamed, a bunch of emotions came crushing me down. I packed up my stuff, ate breakfast and waited for the boys to come back. I've been thinking a lot while waiting for them. Tried to think over my decision, listed out all the pros and cons. And it made realized that a decision has to be made regardless what it is.

We had a discussion once he got back to the campsite. We both realized that we did not have chemistry, share the same goals nor we have the same fitness level. I had a hard time to make up my mind, especially to abort the mission that I have been working hard for years. But thinking that it was the best for both of us, we agreed to part ways. He will continue his journey to Tasik Malaya with the hikers we met at the mountain while I will go back to Jakarta and start my Trans Java journey all over again, alone. Yep, I'm going solo.

After bidding goodbye, I went to terminal and took the earliest bus straight to Jakarta with a sad feeling. Looking out to the window, looking at Garut city for one last time and vowed to myself to come again for Guntur. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but mine alone. My preparation and training were not enough, or maybe it was not my rizq this time.

I called my friend, Fajar and informed him that I’m coming to his place. Alhamdulillah, my journey to Jakarta was smooth. Big thanks to Selep for his recommendation, advice and little information that brightened up my gloomy day. So, I booked a bed at capsule hostel through Hostelworld. Thank God for technology for making life easier. I will stay here for several days, until I decide where to go next.

Hello Jakarta dan seisinyaAku kembali.

To be continued...

P/S : Lack of pictures because Huawei Mate 9 is too big for my pocket and not easily accessible. Trust me, I felt like throwing it away each time I used it. And I think I lost my photography skill, and my writing skill as well. Hmmmm...wutttt


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10:32 PM
Trans Java Misadventure : Week 1.3

Week 1.3 : Recovery, But I Haven't Started Yet Though... :(

Bandung - Garut

After a very long night (and painful one), I followed Karin to her campus the next day. Well, Izza can’t help but being herself, unstoppable. It was wisuda day for ITB students. Kirin’s friend was graduating, and I didn’t want to miss the chance to see how their graduation day. Sadly, I didn’t take any good pictures as I was still very weak to do anything. I spent the rest of the day sleeping at Kirin’s studio while she was working with her project.

We had Nasi Kucing for dinner. Namanya begitu
sebab portion-nya yang sedikit. Macam makanan kucing.

My condition got better. I spent another two days for recovery. Unfortunately, I was behind schedule due to the unexpected incident (gastric). I have to keep on moving and go to next destination if I want to complete my mission.

To be honest, I hate recovery days :/

After 3 days in Bandung (with two days of being a zombie, metaphorically), we spent the last day at Bandung full with activities (finally!). We went to Bandung Car Free Day in the morning, ate breakfast, meeting friends. Then, walking around looking for outdoor shop to buy more gears. We bid goodbye to everyone and went to Cicaheum Terminal to take a bus to Garut.

Kue kekinian; Bandung Makuta by Laudya Chintya Bella.

With Kirin at her kosan.

We reached Garut city after 4 hours of journey. We kind of lost at first while looking for angkot to go to Mount Guntur Basecamp. And it was harder to find one when it was already past 6PM as not many angkots were there, at the terminal. Most of them already left. We then met this hiker who just got back from Mount Cikuray (near Garut). He helped us looking for angkot.

Luckily, after few hours , we found an angkot that can bring us to the junction near Mount Guntur Basecamp. And from the junction, we took ojek to the basecamp (around 15 minutes). It was already late when we arrived, they told us to just sleep at the basecamp and hike tomorrow morning since it was dangerous to hike at night (cause this mountain happens to have many pigs around). 

Mount Guntur

We woke up late! Other hikers already proceed to the peak/campsite while we were sleeping. We showered right away, packed our bag and started to hike. There are two trails to the campsite, and both were quite steep with big stones along the trails. We had to be careful not to slip or get ourselves injured because we have another 9 mountains to hike.

Starting point

The day’s getting hotter and we have yet reach the campsite. We stopped for 5-minutes break at Pos 3, catching our breath and eating snack. We didn’t see anyone around and continued the hike few minutes later. We can see Garut city from where we at, clearly.

Garut city

After an hour walking, I started to lose sight of my partner. I kept walking, alone. Called his name many times, but no respond. So, I kept on walking and calling out his name until he responded to me. I realized our pace was different and this was my first time hiking with him and I started to regret my decision. I felt like we did not have chemistry and I should have trained with him before coming here. It was dangerous to hike alone, this is not Japanese mountain.

If we are lucky, we can see many wildflowers along the trail.
But we were not, unfortunately.

After few hours of ascending, we finally reached the campsite. There were few hikers packing up stuffs and getting ready to descend. We exchanged greetings and had small talks. They gave us few information about the mountain, the trail and warned us about pigs (about how we should be very careful with our belongings because the pigs were quite wild) before they went down.

We set our tent right away. I rarely used tent for camping and I had some issue on setting it. Thank God my partner helped me. We still couldn’t decide whether to summit to the peak now or in the morning. So, we decided to have our lunch first and think later. Not long after that, two hikers came, both of them from Tasik Malaya.

It was just four of us at the mountain and all of us decided to go for summit attack in the morning. But I was still undecided because of the weather. Coldness is my biggest weakness. I told them that I will decide later. We slept early, but I could not sleep at all. The temperature dropped, it was quite windy and freezing cold. And my ultralight tent, just make it worst. It's a one season tent, very light and thin. And I regretted my decision to bring this instead of the Kathmandu's, which I left at Kirin's because of its weight. Yes, sometimes Izza can be pretty stupid.

With this kind of temperature, I decided not to summit. Firstly, because of my pace. Those  guys are pretty fast and I don't want to be a burden. If I go with them, they might have to wait for me (if they want to wait for me, but what if they don't want to? I don't want to hike alone in the dark). Secondly, it was very cold and my body will not functioning well (thus, the slow pace). Do I regret this? Yes. But since I know my body well, I thought to myself that it's better to not take the risk, especially when I just recovered from severe gastric attack. It's not worth it.

And I continue sleeping with mixed feeling.

To be continued...


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7:00 PM
Trans Java Misadventure : Week 1.2

Week 1.2 : Where The Nightmare Began...

Bogor - Bandung

Goodbye Bogor. Hello Bandung!
Bogor in the morning. Kurang macetnya.
Jangan lupa sarapan, karena sarapan itu
lebih penting dari harapan. 

We left Bogor in the morning and continued our journey to Bandung, the creative city, my favorite city of all. I contacted Kirin months ago, telling her that I'm coming to Bandung for a short while. She welcomed us with big happy smile as we arrived. I didn't meet her for quite some time because both of us were super busy with life. Haha. Kirin is currently pursuing her study at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), doing her Part 2 in Sekolah Arkisektur, Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Kebijakan.
Meet, Kirin.

She brought us touring around campus, showing us her faculty, her studio, where all the cool kids lepak and stuff. We met some new friendly friends from Kumpulan Gamelan Sunda ITB (because Kirin knew I play Gamelan and she thought it would be good idea to bring me there). So, we grabbed the chance to learn about Gamelan Sunda that night. They showed and taught us how to play. It does feel good though to meet other Gamelan players from other country and able to share our interest. 

But, my happiness didn't last long. I threw up on the sidewalk as soon as we left ITB. My condition worsen the moment we reached Kirin's kosan (rented room). I got diarrhea and kept vomiting non-stop. Things got out of control when the pain hit stomach. I often get gastric but this one was the worst by far. The worst I've ever had.
Nahhhh...ini puncanya. Siomay pedas setan.

Kirin immediately called the Grab car and brought me to hospital nearby. I was admitted to Emergency Room at Rumah Sakit Santo Borromeuse. Since, pills no longer work, I got a jab instead. The doctor told me to wait for awhile and monitored my condition from time to time. If my condition gets better, I can go home. But if it's not, then I have to be warded. And it was the latter. But due to the crowdiness, I had to go back to kosan.

It costed me almost 80,000 rupiah.
I did bring my own first aid kit in case of emergency. Unfortunately, it was not enough to cure my illness :(
And my first aid kit was sponsored by EasyAid. You can check
them out on instagram @easyaidmy

Thank God, Kirin was there to help me dealing with everything when I literally had nobody around to depend on. Kirin was the one who saw me crying like mad, holding her hand while I fought against the pain. It was so painful to the point I gave up living. I felt like dying (not exaggerating, it was extremely painful). And also, thanks to those who were concerned about my health. Though you guys were far away at the moment, it did help in lessen the pain, if not, a bit.

It was a long night for me indeed. 

To be continued....

P/S : Once the video issue settles, I'll upload all the Gamelan videos. -.-"


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